Beloved (10-22-2023)

“See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God!” (I John 3:1) When Jesus was baptized, God’s voice came down from heaven and let all those present know that Jesus was His “beloved” Son. Isn’t it amazing that He also considers us His children? You are beloved! All our songs this week remind us of that fact.

1. The Love of God

“Greater love there could not be, Jesus died for you and me.” We start off with this classic hymn reminding us of the many ways the love of God has impacted our lives.

2. He Gave His Life

John 15:13 tells us that there is no greater love than when a man lays down his life for his friends. Think about it: Jesus became a man and laid down His life for you. No one could possibly love you more than that. Gary Miller took that thought and put it to this gorgeous music.

3. Beautiful Lamb

Gary Miller is one of my favorite composers because I love the last song and I love this song, which he also wrote. Jesus was “sent from the Father’s love” and demonstrates His love for us because He was willing to “suffer great pain for us.” And, as Isaiah 53 tells us, “by His wounds, we are healed.”

4. How Deep the Father’s Love

Stuart Townend tells the story of how he came to write this contemporary hymn: “I’d been meditating on the cross, and in particular what it cost the Father to give up his beloved Son to a torturous death on a cross. And what was my part in it? Not only was it my sin that put him there, but if I’d lived at that time, it would probably have been me in that crowd, shouting with everyone else ‘crucify him’. It just makes his sacrifice all the more personal, all the more amazing, and all the more humbling.”

5. He Loves Me

Each verse of this song questions why Jesus was willing to go through what He went through. Why did He leave heaven? Why did He go through temptation? Why did He suffer in the garden? Because He loves me so!

6. My God is Singing Over Me

Not only does God love you, He rejoices over you, He even sings over you. (Zephaniah 3:17) If that doesn’t make you feel beloved, I don’t know what would!

7. In Need

I hope it has been made abundantly clear by now how beloved you are to God and that you are His child. The thing about children is they are completely dependent to be taken care of by their parents. The same is true with our relationship with God. I am utterly dependent–that is, I am in need of Him. In need of grace, love and mercy.

8. I Love My Savior, Too

We’ve sung all of these songs about how God loves us. What better way to end than to declare that we love Him, too.

In Him,
Aaron Shotts



SCRIPTURE READING – Romans 9:22-26

The Love of God (1,2,3)

He Gave His Life
Beautiful Lamb


How Deep the Father’s Love


He Loves Me (1,2,3, then chorus)

My God is Singing Over Me


In Need

I Love My Savior, Too (1,3)

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2 Responses to Beloved (10-22-2023)

  1. Creative Yadley says:

    Worship With Heart, thank you for coming back online after several days of down time. I kept checking and refreshing and was concerned I would never see you again. You bless my heart so much, THANK YOU.

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