Senior Sunday (5-19-2024)

For long time readers of my blog, you may recall me already having an entry named “Senior Sunday” back in 2014. I’m following the same method of picking songs here that I did back then…letting our graduating seniors pick the songs! At least 3 of the songs on this list are ones that I introduced to our congregation, so I’m happy to know that the new songs are making a spiritual impact. Each senior submitted 2 or 3 of their favorite songs. Each senior got one song put on the list, except in the case where two songs were picked by more than one person. I included both those songs since they had multiple votes. Let’s see what made the list.

1. 10,000 Reasons

(Picked by Olivia.) It’s no wonder that this song made the list. It was written in 2011. Here we are 13 years later and this song is still in the top 20 songs currently being sung in churches in the USA. Written by songwriting team Matt Redman and Jonas Myrin, it’s based on Psalm 103:1-5.

2. Magnificat

(Picked by Kim and Jed.) In our Wednesday night singing class, we’ve been doing spotlights on different Church of Christ composers. A few weeks ago we spotlighted Randy Gill. This is one of his songs. Based on Luke 1:46-55, this song is clearly a crowd favorite every time we sing it in church.

3. You Are My All in All

(Picked by Kim.) Dennis Jernigan, composer of this song, says this about the inspiration behind it: “I cannot put my hope in anything or anyone other than the Savior. To not seek Him would be the most foolish thing I can do with my life.” What a wonderful lesson for our seniors. Whatever you do in this life, seek God first!

4. Cornerstone

(Picked by Emma and Olivia.) This song was written as a response to the 2011 terrorist attacks in Norway. What a message of hope to declare during a time of tragedy. I hope that our seniors keep songs like this in their heart for when tragedy strikes their lives. Most of us our old enough to know that it’s not a matter of “if” it will strike, but “when.” Thank God that He is our cornerstone during those times.

5. How Great Thou Art

(Picked by Cooper.) This is our oldest song on this list, but one of our elders and his wife told me that the senior that picked it is an “old soul,” so that doesn’t surprise me! This song’s origins traces all the way back to 1885 in Sweden when a poet wrote a poem called “O Store Gud,” which translates into “O Mighty God.” It wasn’t until almost 50 years later when the song began its journey into what we know today. A missionary translated it into English in the mid 1930’s. As any good translator will do, he concentrated more on artistic interpretation than literal translation. Thus, “O Mighty God” became “How Great Thou Art.”

6. Rising Sun

(Picked by Jed.) I fell in love with this song in 2014 when I heard it performed live by All Sons and Daughters. I immediately set out to arrange it for acapella singing. Six years later, it was recorded by a group of teenagers on the album “Coronation” by Regen Harmony. Every time I sing this song, it stirs my soul when we get to get to the chorus. I’d very much consider this a modern day “How Great Thou Art.”

7. Behold Our God

(Picked by Alyssa.) I did not realize until today that this song comes from Isaiah 40:12-14.
Who has measured the waters in the hollow of his hand
    and marked off the heavens with a span,
enclosed the dust of the earth in a measure
    and weighed the mountains in scales
    and the hills in a balance?
Who has measured the Spirit of the Lord,
    or what man shows him his counsel?
Whom did he consult,
    and who made him understand?
Who taught him the path of justice,
    and taught him knowledge,
    and showed him the way of understanding?

8. A Common Love

(Picked by Avery.) I wanted to close with this song because I know the teens always like to close their devos with this song. I hope they remember that even as they all head off to different schools in different locations, the love that we have in God keeps us all bonded together for life.

In Him,
Aaron Shotts



Ezra 6:14-18

10,000 Reasons



You Are My All in All



How Great Thou Art

Rising Sun


Behold Our God

A Common Love

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